It's been awhile since I last posted. That's because I'm busy packing and getting ready to make my way to Grand Bend. My husband is opening up a food truck! So exciting but also nervous until everything is up and running more smoothly. I'm really happy for him though 'cuz he finally gets to do something that he's passionate about. I hope all goes well in this venture.
It's also going to be a huge change. We're going to be living from a trailer! Being the pack rat that I am, packing for the trailer is not easy. I've still yet to cut the clothing I've stacked up high in half. I'm still in the process of packing some art/craft materials as I'm also going to be running some camps and hopefully some yoga classes too. I'm really excited and nervous at the same time.
We'll see where this adventure takes us. I'm sure we're going to be outdoors lots for the next 5 months so I better pack some sidewalk chalk for my little one. It looks like my little blog will be taking a little vacation too. I'm thinking of getting a little 5 year paper journal to jot down my daily thoughts old school style :)
I told my daughter that she can choose 5 toys to pack and she told me, "Scissors, glue, crayons." Sounds like she's well on her way to being fully fledged artist/crafter :D
See you all in October (or earlier if I can sneak some internet time).